Full analysis of plastic track court materials-characteristics and application scope of elastic acry

2021年4月15日23:35:32 评论


Full analysis of plastic track court materials-characteristics and application scope of elastic acry

Introduction Of Elastic Acrylic

Elastic acrylic is one of the tennis court surface materials designated by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) (acrylic acid, grass courts, clay courts). Compared with grass courts and clay courts, it has a very obvious advantage in the global scope of use. The competition is dominated by acrylic surface tennis courts. Due to the stable properties of the acrylic surface material and the relatively low construction cost, it is now widely used in basketball courts, tennis courts, badminton courts and other sports venues.

Elastic acrylic surface layer (the thickness of elastic acrylic court surface layer is 3-5mm, which can be applied to asphalt base or high-quality concrete base)

1. Composed of 100% acrylic material and special polymer rubber particles, it has toughness and can cover the small cracks caused by the foundation;
2. It has excellent shock absorption performance to reduce the shock of the players' feet and legs (especially suitable for non-professional players and leisure entertainment);
3. It has strong anti-ultraviolet performance and can be used in indoor and outdoor venues;

4. It is suitable for various climatic conditions, has a long service life, and the service life can reach 3-8 years (depending on the basic quality of the site);
5. A variety of flexibility levels are available for selection;
6. Convenient maintenance;
7. Diverse colors, pure color and long lasting;

Flexible acrylic construction process

Basic inspection and treatment

Check the flatness, compactness and slope of the foundation

Remove the dirt and debris from the foundation surface and the surrounding cracks. Remove dirt and oil stains on the surface of the foundation. The individual super-elevation parts of the foundation are polished and leveled mechanically, and local depressions of the foundation are repaired and leveled. If the old site is refurbished, the damaged surface must be completely removed after entering the site, and then repaired with similar materials. Open a V-shaped groove to the crack, and then pour special repair glue to reinforce and level it.

Pickling or sanding

Wet the ground with clean water, clean the ground with about 8% dilute hydrochloric acid, and then rinse it with clean water.


Roll the primer evenly on the even surface. The amount depends on the firmness of the site. The general amount is about 0.078kg/m2, and the next step can be carried out after it has dried.


After the primer is cured, lightly squeeze the compressible foaming cotton into the temperature seam. Make sure that the temperature seam is sealed and not protruding; stir it with the sealant according to the proportion, and apply it to the seam in two to three times.

Replenish water

Mix the cement leveling agent with 80-100 mesh sand (1:1) and mix it evenly, and level the accumulated water. After leveling, the accumulation of water within 30 minutes after rain is required to be qualified.

Screed screed

Mix 80/100 mesh sand with cement leveling agent (1:1), and then scrape a piece of it with a scraper.

Scratch the elastic layer

Use (elastic material): No. 325 cement = 25: 1.5 (water can be added to adjust the construction consistency), use a flat scraper to scrape on the base surface, each scraping thickness can not exceed 1/2mm, each scraping time interval before one The dryness shall prevail (usually about 8 hours, depending on the weather conditions on site), until the scraping reaches the required thickness. After the elastic coating is dry, use a mill to trim the rough surface and then apply the reinforcing layer.

Scratch leveling layer

Use cement leveling agent: sand=1:0.5~0.8 (water can be added to adjust the construction consistency). Scrape one layer with a flat scraper. The surface should be smooth and smooth after scraping.

Scratch surface layer

Use acrylic topcoat: quartz sand=1:0.8 (water can be added to adjust the construction consistency), use a flat squeegee to scrape one coat; after the first coat of paint is dry, apply the second coat of coat with a roller, with a proper amount of water (not Add quartz sand).


Measure and position according to the standard size, mark the position of the line with a canvas line, and then stick it on the court along the canvas line with masking paper, and evenly brush it between the two masking papers with a scoring paint and apply it after the paint is dry. Just tear off the textured paper.

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